Posted in 2018

How to Keep a Mummy (2018) anime review

Sora Kashiwagi’s father is a self-proclaimed adventurer who often sends him presents from his travels. Often these gifts are dangerous both to Sora’s health and the health of his sister, so when he finds a large package from his father in the mail he fears the worse. He opens it to find a coffin. While contemplating how to handle finding out what is inside, it opens from the inside. He is shocked to discover the last thing he expected, a tiny mummy. After learning that it wasn’t dangerous as all he decides to keep it, calling it Mii-kun.

The best part about this series is how cute it is. Everything that happens is cute in some way. The heartfelt episodes are cute. Everything is cute. The best part is that Mii-kun is not the only adorable creature in this series. There is the dog who is the single cutest dog I’ve ever seen in any anime, an oni-child who is less cute than the other creatures and seems to mainly be there for comedic effect, a tiny dragon who adorably just wants to help everyone out, and a small creature that eats dreams that is also cute despite how late in the series it was introduced. Each of the four main characters gets their own adorable creature. Each character has the best creature for who they are as a character. For instance Tazuki gets the oni-child which has similar personality traits to him. This adds to the series.

I recommend you watch this series if you love cute things, and to be fair who doesn’t. This series would have suffered if there was any more melodrama than there was. I actually wished I could see the creatures interacting with each other more because that bred a lot of really cute moments.

Final Rating – 46/50

Cute counter – 9

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